Rumenco SUPAlyx Super Energy Plus with Fish Oil

An extra high energy feed and mineral bucket for cattle and sheep with added fish oil, an exceptional bucket at tupping time and onwards.

Available in 22.5kg buckets & 80kg tubs

SKU: rumenco-supalyx-super-energy-plus-with-fish-oil Categories: , , ,

Key Features and Benefits:

– Very high energy levels from fermentable (sugar) and protected (fat) sources to help support body condition in breeding stock and growth of replacement animals and growing/fattening stock.
– Protein supplied from all-natural sources (no urea), including hi-pro soya, to provide Digestible – Undegradable Protein (DUP) to support milk production in lactating animals and frame development and lean tissue (muscle) growth in growing animals.
– Contains fish oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acids to support fertility and conception rates at breeding time.
– Balanced mineral, vitamin and trace element supply to counter potential deficiencies.

Ideal For:


– Ewes from 2 weeks pre-tupping for 8 weeks.
– In-lamb ewes from 6 weeks pre-lambing.
– Flock replacements and weaned lambs.


– Growing and finishing cattle where no extra copper is required.
– Breeding cattle, including bulls, in the run up to and during bulling time where no extra copper is required.

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