Crystalyx Easy Breather

Crystalyx Easy Breather is a feed lick specially designed with the intention to help alleviate stress and respiratory problems in calves and sheep. Respiratory problems in calves and sheep are most prevalent in autumn and winter, especially when the animals are housed. Containing menthol and eucalyptus Crystalyx Easy Breather offers a natural aid to maintain a healthy respiratory system.

Available in 5kg  & 22.5kg tubs

Key Features:

Crystalyx Easy Breather is a feed lick specially designed with the intention to help alleviate stress and respiratory problems in calves and sheep. Respiratory problems in calves and sheep are most prevalent in autumn and winter, especially when the animals are housed. Containing menthol and eucalyptus Crystalyx Easy Breather offers a natural aid to maintain a healthy respiratory system. With a full complement of vitamins and trace elements, Crystalyx Easy Breather helps develop and maintain a strong healthy immune system. Highly palatable Crystalyx Easy Breather helps calves and sheep regain their appetite after a stress or challenge. Dry feed intake is stimulated giving stronger more vigorous livestock that are better able to withstand a challenge.

– A natural aid to help reduce coughing and respiratory irritation.
– Helps keep airways clear and reduces stress.
– Helps calves regain appetite after a stress or challenge.
– A powerful natural aid to help calves resist respiratory challenges.
– Reduces the risk of growth checks.
– Data from AFBI Hillsborough shows that heifers suffering persistent calfhood pneumonia produced almost 1200 litres less milk in their first 2 lactations a loss in income of almost £300/heifer.

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