Agrimin 24·7 Smartrace Lamb

24·7 Smartrace Lamb is designed for situations where iodine, cobalt and selenium supplementation is essential for growing, ruminating lambs to help maintain and maximise growth rates, ensuring strong vital lambs.

It supplies the animal’s full daily requirement of each essential trace element for 120 days.

After administration (two boluses per lamb) the boluses lie in the reticulum where they erode and dissolve completely thus providing a continuous and regular supply of nutrients to the animal.

Key Features:

– Eroding technology means consistent supply of trace elements
– Delivers full daily requirement of iodine, cobalt and selenium
– Free of copper – OK for use in continental breeds
– Helps maintain lamb growth from weaning
– Promotes strong healthy lambs
– Contains no GMOs or material of animal origin
– Both boluses applied in one single, simple application
– Active life of 120 days

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