CLiKZiN Pour On

CLiKZiN prevents blowfly strike in sheep caused by Lucilia sericata. As an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), CLiK stops blowfly larvae developing to the damaging second and third stage maggots, which cause flystrike.

It contains Fleecebind™ technology, which ensures the formulation spreads and binds to the lanolin, providing full fleece* protection.

Available in a 5 Litre bottle.

Dosage & Administration:

CLiKZiN is administered at 0.7-2ml (7.5-25 mg dicyclanil)/kg bodyweight.
Assess bodyweight accurately before calculating the dosage. If treating animals collectively rather than individually, group animals according to their bodyweight and dose accordingly, to avoid under or overdosing.

For external use only. CLiKZiN is applied according to the following recommendations:
– 10-20kg 20ml
– 21-30kg 24ml
– 31-50kg 30ml
– >50kg 36ml

Guide dose volumes correspond to 0.7-2ml (7.5-25mg dicyclanil) per kg bodyweight). Shake the container well before use.

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