Distocur 10%

For treatment of infections caused by the adult stage of Fasciola hepatica, sensitive to oxyclozanide.

For elimination of gravid tapeworm segments (Monoezia spp.).

Available in 5 Litre bottle.

Legal Category POM-VPS

Dosage & Administration:

– Give as an oral drench.
– Shake the suspension at least 5 times before use.
– To ensure administration of a correct dose, body weight should be determined as accurately as possible; accuracy of the dosing device should be checked.
– If animals are to be treated collectively rather than individually, they should be grouped according to their bodyweight and dosed accordingly, in order to avoid under – or overdosing.

– Dose according to body weight at a rate of 10 mg oxyclozanide per kg body weight, corresponding to 3 ml of product per 10 kg body weight.
– For animal above 350 kg, dose is 3.5 g oxyclozanide per animal, i.e. 103 ml of product.

– Dose according to body weight at a rate of 15 mg oxyclozanide per kg body weight, corresponding to 4,4 ml of product per 10 kg body weight.
– For animal above 45 kg, dose is 0,68 g oxyclozanide per animal, i.e. 20 ml of product.

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