Dycoxan 2.5mg/ml Oral

Prevention of clinical signs of coccidiosis.

For use in calves and lambs
In lambs: Prevention of clinical signs of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria crandallis and Eimeria ovinoidalis sensitive to diclazur.

In calves: Prevention of clinical signs of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii sensitive to diclazuril.

Legal Category POM-VPS

Available in 1 Litre, 2.5 Litre & 5 Litre.

Dosage & Administration:

To ensure the correct dosage, accurately determine the body weight of each animal. If treating animals collectively, group them according to their body weight and dose each group based on their average body weight to prevent under- or overdosing. Treat all animals in the group.

– 1 ml per 2.5 kg body weight
– Administer at approximately 4-6 weeks of age when coccidiosis is typically expected
– In high infection pressure conditions, a second treatment may be necessary 3 weeks after the first dose
– For oral administration with a drenching gun

– 1 ml per 2.5 kg body weight
– Administer 14 days after moving into a potentially high-risk environment
– For oral administration with a drenching gun

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