Epromec Pour-On

Pour on solution used to treat gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, warbles, mange mites, lice and horn flies in beef and dairy cattle.

It is an antiparasitic treatment for cattle containing eprinomectin as the active ingredient. It belongs to the avermectin class of drugs and is effective against a wide range of internal and external parasites in cattle.

Legal Category POM-VPS

Available in a 5 Litre bottle.

Dosage & Administration:

Administer only by topical application at the dose rate of 1 ml of the product per 10 kg of body weight, corresponding to the recommended dose rate of 0.5 mg eprinomectin per kg b.w. The product should be applied along the backline in a narrow strip extending from the withers to the tailhead. To ensure administration of a correct dose, bodyweight should be determined as accurately as possible and accuracy of the dosing device should be checked. If animals are to be treated collectively rather than individually, they should be grouped according to their bodyweight and dosed accordingly, in order to avoid under- and overdosing.

– Over 300 kg bodyweight, give 5ml per 50 kg bodyweight.
– All the animals belonging to the same group should be treated at the same time.
– 5 Litre packs to be used with an appropriate dosing system such as a dosing gun and coupling vented cap.

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