Fly & Lice Spot On

Spot On is a topical application for the control of lice and flies on cattle and ticks, lice, keds and established blowfly strike on sheep. Spot On keeps existing fly populations under control.

Spot On Fly and Lice Insecticide for Cattle and Sheep is a clear, pale gold, oil based, ready to use topical ectoparasiticide.

Legal Category: POM-VPS

Dosage & Administration:

Apply a single dose topically on the mid line of the back at the shoulders using the special squeeze and pour dispenser pack. 

Cattle – 10ml
Sheep – 5ml
Lambs (under 10kg bodyweight or 1 month of age) – 2.5ml

Withdrawal Period
Cattle milk – Zero hours
Cattle meat – 17 days
Sheep meat – 35 days

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