Hydramix Lime

Hydramix Lime is a unique blend of mixed lime for use in cow cubicles, poultry and stock sheds. Hydramix provides a rapid rise in pH yet is gentle enough not to burn.

It effectively controls E. coli and aids in the prevention of mastitis and digital dermatitis. Safe to use as a single bedding material this one product has multiple applications.

Available in 25kg & Tote Bags (1 Ton)

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Key Features:

– Cost effective 100% natural product
– Effective in aiding control of E. coli and prevention of mastitis and digital dermatitis
– Provides rapid raise of pH
– Won’t burn
– Safe to use as a single bedding product
– Highly absorbent free flowing powder, which is an economical drying agent thereby, improving the environment for both livestock and stockmen
– Through its high neutralising value Nadins Hydramix will provide improvement in slurry quality as the pH is raised and acid effluents are neutralised, therefore when it is spread it will provide further benefits to farmland
– Assists in odour control
– One product – numerous uses – cow cubicles, poultry and stock sheds
– Provides a none slip surface


25kg, Tote Bag (1 Ton)

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