Dosage & Administration:
To be administered orally at a single dose rate of 200 μg/kg of bodyweight. One syringe division of paste should be administered per 100 kg bodyweight [based on the recommended dosage of 200 μg/kg (0.2 mg/kg)]. Each syringe delivers 140 mg ivermectin, sufficient to treat 700 kg of bodyweight. Horses weight should be accurately determined for the correct use of the paste. The animal’s mouth should be free from food to ensure swallowing. The tip of the syringe barrel should be inserted at the interdental space (the gap between the front and back teeth). Immediately elevate the horse’s head for a few seconds to ensure swallowing.
Do not use the same syringe to treat more than one animal unless horses are running together or in direct contact with each other on the same premises.
For best results all horses in a yard or grazing together should be included in a regular parasite control programme, with particular attention being paid to mares, foals and yearlings, and treated at the same time. Foals should be treated initially at 6-8 weeks of age and routine treatment repeated as appropriate.
Retreatment should be done according to the epidemiological situation, but not less than 30 days interval.