Spotinor Spot-on

A spot-on solution that treats and prevents infestations by lice and flies in cattle, also treats and prevents infestations by ticks, lice, keds and established blowfly strike on sheep and lice and ticks on lambs. A clear pale gold, oily liquid containing 10mg/ml deltamethrin.

Legal Category: POM-VPS.

Available in 1 Litre & 2.5 Litre.

Dosage & Administration:

– Cattle: 100 mg of deltamethrin per animal corresponding to 10 ml of product.
– Sheep: 50 mg of deltamethrin per animal corresponding to 5 ml of product.
– Lambs (under 10 kg bodyweight or 1 month of age): 25 mg of deltamethrin per animal corresponding to 2.5 ml of product.

– Apply a single dose with the special ‘Squeeze ‘n’ Pour’ dispenser pack or the Spot-On Applicator in one spot on the mid-line of the back at the shoulders.

Withdrawal periods:
– Cattle Meat and offal = 17 days
– Cattle Milk = zero hours
– Sheep Meat and offal = 35 days
– Sheep Milk = Not authorised for use in ewes producing milk for human consumption

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