With the bitterly cold weather we’ve experienced over the past couple of weeks, calf coats can be essential to protecting and improving youngstock on the farm. This blog highlights the key benefits of calf coats and how we can help at WFS.
Enhanced Growth and Weight Gain
In colder environments, youngstock use more energy trying to stay warm. By using a calf coat, this energy can be conserved and instead contribute towards an extra weight gain of 0.21kg/day during the first week of life. This in turn improves feed conversion, with nutrients being used more efficiently for earlier weaning and reduced feed costs.
Improved Health and Immune Functions
Calves are born with functional yet underdeveloped thermoregulatory mechanisms, with this developing during the first two months of life. Therefore, they are incredibly susceptible to cold stress, resulting in weakened immune systems and vulnerability to diseases such as pneumonia and scours. By maintaining their temperature with a calf coat, you can avoid the aforementioned susceptibility. As such, with less diseases amongst youngstock comes another key cost component of reduced veterinary bills.
Resistance against Harsh Weather Conditions
Feeding into our previous two points, calf coats are proven to reduce the exposure to cold & wet conditions which increase the risk of respiratory infections. Particularly with our OHG waterproof design, you can improve your youngstock’s hygiene by protecting them from wet bedding or muddy conditions. Calf jackets were found to keep core body temperature 6.47°C higher in youngstock versus those without one.
How can we help?
Our OHG calf coats were judged by the Farmers Weekly to be the best value option on the market. Below are just a few reasons why you should choose our OHG coats.
With two sizes (either 70cm or 80cm) we can cater to comfort any breed or size of calf on your farm.
The thickness and waterproof design of the jacket provides protection from the current harsh, winter conditions so your calves can conserve energy for weight gain and growth.
With metal buckles and adjustable straps, these coats boast a durability and lifespan to ensure value for money.
Therefore, as a means of improving growth rates, immune systems and resistance amongst your youngstock this winter, calf coats are a must have on your farm.
For more information or to place an order, call 01270 252001. Nationwide delivery available.